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can't give her a cup of updogg 0/10


The hell is that?


whats up dog


Dang you sure got me good


*pumps fist and whispers* Yes


One big issue I'm having is the "hidden" words. If it has a response, it should be in the list. (Horubrain, Shop, Cheat (even though it doesn't do anything anymore, it should at least be listed since she responds to it), etc). I'm giving these out because they don't appear in the list either way so it doesn't help anyone right now.

Another thing is the list should be in a better order. Animals should be with animals, feelings should be with feelings, and if something is used often it should be at the top. Yes, the three you use all the time are up there but still in a rather odd order. In order from oldest to newest (except a little tweaked) makes it overwhelming to look through. 

That or you can put it from First Word You Found to Latest Word You Found (not my favorite but better than the order it's in now, I think.)

All this to say I am LIVING for this game, and I'm addicted. It's very hard though. Another suggestion I have is for her boredom to give a drink you don't have already first, instead of a random one, and hints should be what you don't have first.

If I'm 174/189 and she's giving me a hint for Life after I've already used it a million times to bring her back, that's just frustrating. At the very least she shouldn't yell at me if I'm like give me a new hint, I heard her hint already. I've given her the drink ten times. She should know I don't need help finding it.

can u uh give me some words lol? like the hard ones since i think i already found the easy one


Dream x2 then Sex


Whenever I try getting the dream h scene this bird monstrosity pops up


(1 edit)

Shop does still work actually but it only works once, so you still can do it if you need another cup


Nice game but one issue: Typing “cure” or “human” to reset and continue gets tedious quickly with every transformation. It would be nice if the cure process could be made instant or faster. Maybe skip text for known transformations? Or pressing enter to skip the brewing animation?

Actually one other thing: Typing “sex” and getting no sexy scene feels like time wasted. Some indication that you can do more with a certain transformation would be great.


You know, based on this it would be cool if the forms could be brought up in the actual gameplay and any you unlocked you can click and say "transform" so she turns into (form you unlocked already) without giving her a million Cup Of [Drink] again if it's a spam one. 

Also, ones that AREN'T combinations that have a sex scene have a little heart symbol on the word list, but it should definitely be on combo forms that you don't use only one cup for.


how can i get zombie girl?


Immortal + Death + Death


the game is fun, and the dev is super chill too, they gave me a deluxe key because i bought the regular version before the deluxe came out, all i had to do was ask


can I ask for a list of whats available in free version as compared to whats not in it?


This game seriously needs some potion of Ligma.

Deleted 168 days ago

Steve Jobs


I genuinely giggled

Lol ligma


For anyone wondering, the creator of the game is still giving out the deluxe verson to people who bought the full version before the delux version was released.

So don´t hesitate to message the dev on discord, got the deluxe myself without a hassle.

If you can feed her piss and poo, it's already a good game. (Don't ask)


(2 edits)

Bought the game before the Deluxe got added and the dev sent me a new link for the upgraded version of the game via Discord. Really awesome of them!


so, two things. The continue button after making a drink feels redundant. I think it should be removed. Second, I'm not sure if this is a glitch or is intended, but i have to transform her back to a human before she can transform into anything else.


needs more words!

she got bored, gave me a cup of brain and the game crashed

10/10 best game ever

hi, im not sure if it’s my computer or a bug in the game but when i give her a cup of blood, i can no longer click any of the buttons except the menu and to escape?

Does somebody know how to let the girl back to normal?

and I need some hint.

(If my English look bad,I'm so sorry.)

Its cure, life or human

I tried it but it didn't work.

cup of reset?

maybe you can try reset

What is the fidderence between: "ACM" and "ACM (Regular)" ??


It's explained in the description. This question seems like a troll, because I don't know if you purposefully misspelled difference as fidderence or didn't read the description and the spelling was a mistake.


Suggestion: Drink that genderbends her (idk I'm running out of ideas lol)


already exists, just type in penis


more variations of this plz

other variations exist too.

I meant variants of the result, not the word


dude i just gave her fucking fent


Bro please let me pay with card i dont have PayPal and its a pain in the ass to set up. I would actually buy the deluxe.

You can pay with card via paypal


any way of making her boobs bigger or no bc im plaing web browser

just get her a cup of "boob". Im looking for a shrinking one...


Hmmm if she drink red and then drink blue and then purple... 

Can she become Gojo?

she give me random drink just because she is boring -_-

cant download this on linux, said installler didnt have a location, no issue with any other game, any help?


I liked the game, I thought I had done well for discovering 82 on my own, until I saw the comments for the game and realized that I'm still not good at discovering easter eggs.

I hope I can help you with a donation :)


I'm very happy you liked my game :)

I just made an update, please check it when you can :D


Get ya a cup of Joe, love that they have the reference lol.



Made her drink a cup of "depth" and she said the lorem ipsum placeholder thing


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam fringilla lacus sit amet nulla suscipit pellentesque. Proin ex justo, aliquam ut fermentum non, pretium nec lorem. Aenean mollis congue diam quis aliquam.

This is very depth. ^V^


What are the differences between the free version and the regular version?


As far as I can tell, the free version only has two sex scenes, regular and demon.

and cancer


The deluxe version has exclusive scenes. :)

Could you give an example?


do the transformative drinks only work on the girl, or are there transformations for the player as well?


Only for the girl at the moment


oh, that phrasing? does that mean it's planned in the future to affect the player as well?


tbh kinda shocked there isn't a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy reference if you put in cup of "42" or "the answer". maybe an idea for a later version?


Is there a way to pay with card instead of PayPal

Unfortunately, that's an itch thing :(


it's also a thing that happened recently where the credit card companies were throwing a tantrum over 18+ stuff and refused to let people buy them, like iirc on patreon, dlsite (a japanese site with adult games on it), and stuff. which i think might be the reason why credit cards aren't available for itch anymore, but I may be wrong.

i wonder how to make her into that Morrigan form 

Every time I transform on mobile, I can’t change back. Is there any reset to normal drink, or is this a known bug?


use the word cure or human


If I buy the deluxe version will I have the following updates just by downloading them from the page or how?


would it be possible to provide a list of all the keywords? Thanks!


are there any lore messages she could say that would give us a hint about what we can get?

yep there are hints!

oh... i keep getting the same hints over and over again for some reason (browser version).
also where is the "full version"? i'm either dumb or blind because i can't find it


Kinda wish there was a pregnancy cup or something



There is, it's just not completely obvious. You gotta drink the same liquid a few times to get it


you haven't tried anything, haven't you? ;)


Didn't try it multiple times then, have since found it

Es entretenido vale la pena probarlo.

(1 edit)

Quick question which tier of patreon gives full access to the game? Because I can't connect to PayPal account to my itch profile.


Demon tier and up!

How do you get a Deluxe Edition version of the game? Or, what's Horubrains discord if anyone has it, I'm trying to get one.


Some transformation ideas if there aren't any already (I know I suggested some of these already):

penis: Tastes like penis but no transformation
cock: Tastes like rooster meat
dick: like a cup of Joe, but a cup of Dick
joe: Like in the original article
dickgirl/gynomorph: Gives her a dick and balls
slime: Some kind of taste but no transformation
slimegirl: Slimegirl transformation
reptile: Scalie transformation
[insert solid food here]: Liquified version of said food
ass: Donkeygirl transformation
arse: Bigger butt
bitch: Doggirl transformation
fuct: Literally Pepsi (it's a Pepsiman reference)
punch: Whoever drinks it gets punched by an invisible force
chick/tits: Birdgirl transformation
breasts: Bigger breasts
daermuazuaja: Cancer
[Any given Thalasin video emotion]: Effects like in the video
hoe: Gardening hoe transformation


+1 on arse

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