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Why there is so many amazing ones without scene?

the outcome for "8" is just... Chef's Kiss.

The game is honestly amazing, but I have a problem: there are so many transformations, variations, and combinations between two or more drinks that it's extremely difficult for me to remember all the possible drinks. Could you please put a place in the gallery where, when you discover a Horu variant, it tells you how did you unlocked it or the combinations you did? There are so many, I think there are more than a thousand, and it's really hard to remember them all. Honestly, I love the game.

i paid 20 but it said a scene wasnt available?!? huh...

can she get pregnant

Maybe 😉

Idk if this is a bug or I'm just stupid. "what feeling arises when one's desires or needs are fulfilled?" dude I've tried everything from fulfillment, satisfaction, gratitude, joy, contentment, happiness, pride. Anyone getting this? 

(1 edit)

It's also happening with the hint "what actions are considered immoral or against divine law?" which to me should be either sin, or transgression maybe, but neither get rid of the hint like the previous one. Once again I could just be stupid but I think it may be a bug. 


How to get the 3rd worm transformation??

You claim the regular version has the lewd content but it keeps telling me said content is not available in the regular version.

Not every lees scene, a few


That's just it, there's almost none.

(1 edit)

Certain words says I need the full game but isn’t this the full game? edit: it was indeed not the full game, even though there’s nothing really indicates that this is a demo.


Hi, are you planning to translate it into Spanish? My English is pretty bad, and I really like the game. Great work.


this game is pretty cool grub eater approves

Why is the input pape result parent?

Deleted 12 days ago
Deleted 12 days ago

犭quǎn 昔xī 奇qí It's 猎liè disassembled,it means seek novelty.Have you learned it? Go and show off to your friends.

(2 edits)

Oh,Anyone who knows will be quite sensitive to the number 91.😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋

In addition, how much does the iPhone16pro sell over there? It costs more than 8,000 RMB here, which is enough for my salary for several months.🥲

Deleted 12 days ago

Really? I'll try it


Can it be that the new death scenes are bugged?
I correctly guessed that love/hate Horu and hope/despair Horu were two that can kill the player now, and giving them a cup of Death did trigger new dialogue and didn't kill Horu, but it also didn't trigger a player death scene. 

I catch only one death scene of Horu: anguish, death. But btw how to make grim reaper kill himself or make him kill Horu?

I uhh.. Put the title/name in it and she turned into a pokemon? looking thing. 

and for the wierd ones out there"sex" does not work

567 different iterations of this girl is fucking insane. on top of very fucked up and twisted depictions of her is wild, I like it XD.

It's quite fun to find the combinations, I was able to find about 140 cups of whatever but only 120 iterations of her. This game is extremely strange

(1 edit)

Does the deluxe versions adds a lot of things or is it not too different to free version?

Edit: nvm, I just saw the regular version also needs payment, so is the free version just a demo?



(1 edit)

Does anyone know why I printed 'sex' and it said 'This scece is not available on this version'? I wonder where I can see the sex scenes.

(1 edit) (-1)

Only available in the deluxe version

Instance565, shouldn't there be six dots on the right side of her head? Why nine dots

Cant get instance 104 for the life of me... it appears it is the third stage to the two before it... but every combo I can think of doesnt work. Any hints someone wants to throw my way?

if 102 = 101, 104 = 100

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm stuck at the hint "what is the achievement of a goal or aim" can somebody help me ?

took me a while for this one, super simple tho. Wi

Hey dev, I've got a question, I've been stuck at the "Popular Carbonated soft drink" for about an hour and tried every named soda under the book and I just cant get the answer, I need some help here.


have you tried "soda"

Multiple times yet it still repeats the hint

i checked my save for the word, it's "cola"

Alright thanks, I was really wondering why I couldn't get that one

i feel ya, i have a list of shame i have to go through that consists of hints i havnt figured out yet.

When will the iOS version be launched?


The price is too high

Are you Chinese?


Hey Gamer just a quick question, will you upload the full game to Itch aswell or is that gonna be a steam only thing?, I'm asking since German steam hates nsfw games so there is no way outside of itch that I could possibly get it

yo its allready on here


oh i thought that the steam version later and the itch version are gonna be like seperate things, since some people stop updating their games on itch to update on steam and whatnot, cheers gamer

Porque cuando intento poner una escena de sexo me dice que descargue la última versión, pero si ya la tengo ayuda por favor


I accidentally unlocked a Latin line and I was never able to see that scene again, what words do I need to type to see the Latin line? 

It could be something like test, debug or typeset as I think the Lorem Ipsum is a huge block of text used to quickly test how your font / typeset looks.

this explains a lot, thanks. i thought i was going crazy

lorem ipsum is just a placeholder text

(1 edit) (+2)

honestly id like to see a more sexual version of this that would be cool instead of a cool game that involves sex just in different kinds maybe one thats focused on it instead of some different events still love it but more of a personal opinion than anything like maybe one where she likes cum (this is mostly from my thinking of if they like sex why dont they like cum but again personal opinion) but maybe not the full game just like a mod or an addon i don't know maybe i just have horny brain from scrolling through nsfw games all night but still all in all really well made dude

Metoo bud, meto




Do something for "Undertale" and "Deltaruin"


Anyone else brace themselves when a new transformation is flashing because it's a complete roulette on whether you'll get something hot or the most disturbing cringe-inducing entity you've ever. Great game 10/10

every time



Cow + Milk leads to a page that reads: "This scene is not available on this version. Download the full version?"

While on the latest deluxe version already?

It is a bug

yes!I also meet that mistake,it makes me comfuse even download again and again.

also because that mistake,you will not able to saw cow girl CG,only told you discover


How to get the middle of the three pictures

Please, I need help


Playing this game, I am one step closer to graduate school. Thank you so much, author. (Love comes from China)

This game is right up my alley! All I have to do is think up the magic words to get those cool changes. Awesome use of the SCP concept!

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