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she give me random drink just because she is boring -_-

cant download this on linux, said installler didnt have a location, no issue with any other game, any help?


I liked the game, I thought I had done well for discovering 82 on my own, until I saw the comments for the game and realized that I'm still not good at discovering easter eggs.

I hope I can help you with a donation :)


I'm very happy you liked my game :)

I just made an update, please check it when you can :D


Get ya a cup of Joe, love that they have the reference lol.



Made her drink a cup of "depth" and she said the lorem ipsum placeholder thing


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam fringilla lacus sit amet nulla suscipit pellentesque. Proin ex justo, aliquam ut fermentum non, pretium nec lorem. Aenean mollis congue diam quis aliquam.

This is very depth. ^V^


What are the differences between the free version and the regular version?


As far as I can tell, the free version only has two sex scenes, regular and demon.


The deluxe version has exclusive scenes. :)

Could you give an example?


do the transformative drinks only work on the girl, or are there transformations for the player as well?


Only for the girl at the moment


oh, that phrasing? does that mean it's planned in the future to affect the player as well?

tbh kinda shocked there isn't a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy reference if you put in cup of "42" or "the answer". maybe an idea for a later version?


Is there a way to pay with card instead of PayPal

Unfortunately, that's an itch thing :(

it's also a thing that happened recently where the credit card companies were throwing a tantrum over 18+ stuff and refused to let people buy them, like iirc on patreon, dlsite (a japanese site with adult games on it), and stuff. which i think might be the reason why credit cards aren't available for itch anymore, but I may be wrong.

i wonder how to make her into that Morrigan form 

Every time I transform on mobile, I can’t change back. Is there any reset to normal drink, or is this a known bug?

use the word cure or human

If I buy the deluxe version will I have the following updates just by downloading them from the page or how?


would it be possible to provide a list of all the keywords? Thanks!


are there any lore messages she could say that would give us a hint about what we can get?

yep there are hints!

oh... i keep getting the same hints over and over again for some reason (browser version).
also where is the "full version"? i'm either dumb or blind because i can't find it


Kinda wish there was a pregnancy cup or something



There is, it's just not completely obvious. You gotta drink the same liquid a few times to get it


you haven't tried anything, haven't you? ;)

Didn't try it multiple times then, have since found it

Es entretenido vale la pena probarlo.

(1 edit)

Quick question which tier of patreon gives full access to the game? Because I can't connect to PayPal account to my itch profile.


Demon tier and up!

How do you get a Deluxe Edition version of the game? Or, what's Horubrains discord if anyone has it, I'm trying to get one.


Some transformation ideas if there aren't any already (I know I suggested some of these already):

penis: Tastes like penis but no transformation
cock: Tastes like rooster meat
dick: like a cup of Joe, but a cup of Dick
joe: Like in the original article
dickgirl/gynomorph: Gives her a dick and balls
slime: Some kind of taste but no transformation
slimegirl: Slimegirl transformation
reptile: Scalie transformation
[insert solid food here]: Liquified version of said food
ass: Donkeygirl transformation
arse: Bigger butt
bitch: Doggirl transformation
fuct: Literally Pepsi (it's a Pepsiman reference)
punch: Whoever drinks it gets punched by an invisible force
chick/tits: Birdgirl transformation
breasts: Bigger breasts
daermuazuaja: Cancer
[Any given Thalasin video emotion]: Effects like in the video
hoe: Gardening hoe transformation


+1 on arse

I bought the game when the deluxe version wasn't available yet. I wrote horubrain on discord and got a key for the deluxe version very quickly after we were able to confirm the purchase, thank you very much :)


This is a nice looking game! 💕
And funny too!


Analog horror porn



(1 edit) (+3)

Alright, just wanna confirm that Horubrain is working to rectify everything that went down with the full vs deluxe situation so this doesn't blow up into something stupider. Mistakes happen and Horubrain is a new indie dev, so I'm just glad they're trying to make it right.

If you bought the full game before Deluxe came out I would recommend contacting them on Discord.

can anyone tell me what lewd scenes are available without the deluxe version?

Only two scenes

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

you should make it so if she drinks a cup of gay it makes her a femboy


Have you tried typing dick


i've seen an animation of her,,, uh, growing. how i make her do that?

Show post...

Give Grow several times 

Grow Stage 1-Slightly taller- gives blowjob

Grow Stage 2-Touching ceiling- normal sex

Grow Stage 3- Partly off screen- normal sex

ideas (if ur not full of 'em)

Dominant/dominance: Makes her act way more dominant. the sex scene changes to you eating her out.

giant/giantess: giant gives you the "giant ending" (Literally just makes you giant) and giantess makes her HUGE! she just sits on the floor. horny Would also now Cause a game over Because in her hormonal state She would accidentally crush you ;.; .

Jarate/WANKER!: turns her into sniper tf2.

sus: she refuses to drink it, And if you try to drink it You apparently "miss your mouth" until you throw it out

neko/cat: makes her into a cat girl.

(1 edit) (+7)(-4)

Edit: Horubrain is fixing it. If you bought the full version before Deluxe was a thing contact them on Discord.

Just gonna leave this here for the dev.

Note that it says "Statements about included content that doesn’t exist". If you sell something called the full version of the game and then lock the people who purchased it out of the full scale of content then you are flagrantly making a misleading statement about the content of what is being sold. Changing the name of that version to no longer be called the full version AFTER the fact does not change that your customers purchased it under the premise of it being the full version.

I really like what you're making here and I contributed money because I had faith that you were going to make it even more interesting, but you're spitting in the faces of your customers on what appears to be your first ever project by essentially taking away what you sold them. You still have a chance to fix this, and I really hope you do because I like what you're making. This appears to be your first ever project, and how you resolve this situation is going to shape how people view you in the future and whether or not they trust you to make quality games. You do NOT want the first impression you leave with the gaming community to be that you're dishonest and untrustworthy because that's going to shape everything about how people view and engage with you as a developer.

For your own sake and because I want to see what you do in the future I hope you can see the sense in this. I'm not asking you to make the Deluxe version the same price as the standard version or to reduce the price. I'm asking you to treat it as the full version and make sure the people who paid for the full version early on are able to receive what you implicitly promised them by calling the version you sold them the full version.

There are several ways for you to rectify the mistake you've made, and the earlier you do it the better it will look for you in the future. And for the love of God, please don't make the mistake of trying to cover up your screw up instead of making it right. That will absolutely destroy any positive image people have of you in the future.


Lol bro, if you want the deluxe version so bad, I can just buy you.

Just contact the developer Horu on Discord or email them or something, I'm sure you can get something, you do not have to make some unnecessary escalation here by linking some quality guidelines shit. A fuck ton of developers and publishers here on Itch use the same product model and the specific guideline only talks about actual specific content, not "amount" of content.

Contact them on Discord I beg you so this will all be over with.

(2 edits) (+4)(-2)

I appreciate that you're trying to resolve this, but throwing money at me to give me a free copy of the Deluxe edition isn't the solution, and the fact that you seem to think it is shows that you're completely misunderstanding the issue. I like this game and I just want HoruBrain to treat the people who supported it early on with a modicum of respect. Telling us that we don't have access to the full version of the game when we purchased it while it was called the full version is a slap in the face, and I would rather they acknowledge that instead of making excuses to justify it. Otherwise it feels like we're nothing more than a dollar in their pocket. I don't want to be treated that way because it makes it hard for me to enjoy their work while feeling like they don't care if we enjoy it. Somebody else paying for the game to shut me up won't resolve that.

I know I can't force them to fix this issue, I just don't want to begrudge somebody who is making something I like. A persons feelings toward the creator of a work are always going to get mixed in with their feelings towards the work itself for better or for worse. I just want it to be for better so my experience with this game isn't soured.


Hi, please reach me out on discord (@horubrain) or twitter (@horubrain) or email, I'll be glad you give you an additional key. :)


I was happy to pay $10 for a WIP game because I could see you were clearly working on more, and I was glad to support that work ahead of time. I now feel a little ripped off.

(1 edit) (+6)(-1)

All the creator had to do was be clear that it wouldn't pay for the full version. Instead they explicitly called it the full version and then made an even more full version that costs more money.


I feel bad being negative when this person just finished so much great work in so little time. But this is absolutely the wrong way to raise your price.


Please reach me out on Discord (@horubrain) and I'll be glad to provide an additional download key :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Contact them on Discord, they're working on fixing it.


I've added a section on this page about the "deluxe" version, please check it.

(2 edits) (+8)(-2)

So why did you advertise the $9.99 option as the full version and then proceed to lock everybody who paid for the "full" version out of the "deluxe" version? If we're locked out of content unless we pay more then the full version is not the full version. You mislead everybody who paid $9.99 for the full version of the game by making a more expensive option with more content. If I have to pay more money to access future content I did not buy the full version of the game. If it's not the full version, then don't call it that. It's literally in the file name. I'm not paying an extra $20 for more content when what I purchased before it came out is explicitly called the full game.

For clarification to anybody just now finding this game, the "Deluxe" version did not exist when the "Full" version was released, so no I did not just overlook the deluxe version. It wasn't an option when I purchased the full version and there was no implication I would need to pay more money to access future content. Calling it the full version implies that it will in fact have all of the content released.


I've added a section on this page about the "deluxe" version, please check it.

(1 edit) (+9)(-4)

That doesn't retroactively fix things. The full version was the only version available when we got it. Everybody who got the full version at this time paid what they believed would be the full price. It's one thing to require the price increase of everybody who came in after you announced it, but everybody who supported you from the get go has to pay 3 times the initial cost if they want to see everything. You're exclusively screwing over the early adopters. Paying the $10 difference is not an option, and even if it was, we were led to believe at the time of our purchase that we would be getting everything for the price we were paying at the time. Clarifying it for us now does not fix the damage already done.

The people who paid for the full version before you announced the deluxe version need to be given access to everything.


Is the Deluxe download not the right version? I downloaded the deluxe version and it kept telling me to download the deluxe version for the deluxe content.


The deluxe version has just been fixed!


So when I turned her into her second vampire form the game told me I could only see that scene in the full game even though I paid for it.


New update should fix that!


bought it back when it was $9.99, what's added in the deluxe edition over the "full" version?


I've added a section on this page about the "deluxe" version, please check it.

(1 edit) (+2)

nothing  i've tried works on yourself


Yup, I'll update that in the future

In what versions?


i think i found a bug, when you give her a Cup of Boobs, then you guve a Cup of Sex, she freezes and theres no animation and no button to get out. You have to Alt+F4.

Yeah that's a bug at the moment :<

This has been fixed now!


this game is fucking fun and good to play one of the best game with sex on that is not only for sex lol and a orginal concept fr dont stop ur game idea is truly cool and if u want u can add me on my discord account: towkp i can help u i'm doing scripting and modeling :)


Me gusta el juego, vale la pena probarlo.

hohohoo first to find red bull probably

Cool concept of a game! 7/10

Deleted post

Yup that would be fixed on the next update soon!

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